first visit


Sunday - 10:30AM Worship Service | Monday - 6:30 PM Crosswalk youth & K.I.G.S.

New to Grace Christian church? great! start here...

We're excited that God has led you to us, and you are eager to learn more about what God is doing here at GCC. So pull up a comfy chair, grab your cup of coffee or tea and plan your upcoming visit to worship with us!

come worship with Us!

Grace Christian Church is a group of regular people who want to connect with God (Ps 63:1-3, Phil. 3:7-11), connect with His Word (2 Tim 3:16-17, John 10:27, 17:17), connect with others (Matt 22:36-40, John 13:34-35), and connect with The Word (John 1:1-2, 14 Matt 28:16-20.)

What are your services like?

The sanctuary opens early for quiet, reflective prayer time if you wish to abide with God prior to service.  The following is roughly what service looks like, but we always want to allow God to have His way with His Service: Service opens with praise and worship music led by Jayden Robinson and the praise team, followed by prayer.  Children are then excused to Children's Church (they may stay with you in the main service if desired)or the nursery, and the service continues on with the sermon, and closes with prayer. The sermons are built on God’s Word, not the pastor's ideas, and aim at transforming our lives to be more like Jesus Christ.

Where should I park?

We have a parking lot in the front of the church with handicapped parking nearer the front door. Parking for The Gathering Place (the building located directly behind the church) is located in front of the building and along the driveway toward 200 South. 

Where should I go when I enter the building?

We have greeters located at the doors who would be happy to help you find where you need to go, left into the sanctuary, or right into the fellowship hall where there are pre-service refreshments and fellowship.

Do you provide childcare?

We encourage families to keep their children with them through the praise portion of service. Once children are excused, the nursery will be staffed by one of our awesome nursery-staff and kids ages 5-11 can come together for Children's Church. Youth age kids 12+ stay in the main service with everyone else.

What should I wear?

We are more concerned about you and your presence with God than we are with what you wear. We believe God wants you just as you are with no pressures, insecurities, or the distraction of being uncomfortable in your clothing to come between you and your time with God. In service you will see a range of clothing from jeans and T-shirts to business casual.